As makers we’re all good at making gorgeous things (yes, even you with the imposter syndrome) But when we start to try to build a business out of our work, there are a lot of new skills to learn. The good news is that, just like we learned the practical skills that...
Pricing our work can be an artist’s biggest struggle, and it’s no surprise. We’ve often got complicated thoughts and feelings about our work, how to put a value on it, and whether we should be selling it at all. Is it really good enough?Can I really...
As an artist or maker, your relationship with the Christmas season is probably….layered? On the one hand, it’s a huge opportunity for your business to not only make a lot of sales, but also to substantially grow your audience so that the next year is even...
How did your Christmas/Holiday selling season go last time around? Maybe it started out okay, or it got off to a slow start but you were managing. But there’s always a point where things really start to go downhill. You’re exhausted. You’ve done one too many shows. ...
For most maker businesses the Christmas and holiday season is both a blessing and a curse. The stakes are high because a good Christmas season can help to cushion the quieter times that come in the beginning of the year and keep your bills paid until people are in a...
When I ask the members of Makers’ Momentum Club whether they would like more time or more money, there’s usually one clear winner. More time. We all want to have more time. More time with our friends and family. More time for creating. More time to do all of those...